IT and Cybersecurity News

Digital Inclusion for Maine Students: A Call for Support

Written by Systems Engineering | April 21, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most school districts have moved to remote learning, leaving many disadvantaged families without means to stay connected and informed. Access to personal computers and internet service are critical for students to continue remote education. To respond to this unprecedented need in the community, Systems Engineering is stepping up our longtime partnership with PCs for Maine (now known as give IT. get IT.) Together, we have embarked on an ambitious plan to provide low-cost or no-cost laptops and desktops to disadvantaged families across the state of Maine.

Help promote digital inclusion.

Over the last few months, many families throughout Maine find themselves isolated at home without the means for their children to connect to distance learning. This unforeseen consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic makes this the right time act. Our community of businesses, who have adopted and benefited from digital technologies, can help support and promote digital inclusion to ensure that no one is left behind. Systems Engineering has had an ongoing charitable giving initiative to provide access to technology in rural and under-served populations. Now we are increasing our current level of participation with give IT. get IT., and encourage other community organizations to join us in this initiative. Promoting digital inclusion together will foster success in our communities for generations to come.

What is the initiative?

Through our partnership with e-waste Alternatives, the recycling and reuse arm of give IT. get IT., our goal is to distribute ~1,000 low-cost or no-cost laptops and desktops throughout Maine. The computers will be distributed to disadvantaged K-12 students unable to participate in online classes, or seniors trying to stay connected with friends and family. The team at Systems Engineering is proud to commit an increased level of support for this effort, and now we are asking that you do the same.

Can you help?

The most immediate need is to get laptops and desktops into the hands of our rural and under-served community. Companies can help make this happen by switching their conventional electronics recycling process over to give IT. get IT. Rather than destructively scrapping your e-waste, partner with give IT. get IT. to collect, process, recover, and reuse retired technology through a sustainable, proactive, and compliant fee-for-service model. Additionally, small businesses can make a one-time contribution of retired laptops. A volunteer from give IT. get IT. can arrange to pick up viable units for a straight donation with no fee or cost passed back to the small business.

Also, you can contribute through funding to help support digital inclusion. We have set a goal to raise $150,000 during this initiative, and every $150 gift allows give IT. get IT. to build and ship a personal computer, with a warranty and remote support, to a home that needs to get connected.

If you can help, visit or click the orange button below and follow the links to ‘give IT.’  You can also reach out directly to Chris Martin, give IT. get IT. Operations Director, at or 207.322.6257.  For more information about this opportunity, connect with System Engineering at 888.624.6737 or Customers, please reach out to your Account Manager.